Wednesday, September 26, 2007

a day at the museum

So this blog is totally messed up and backwards but I am too lazy to fix it. You will have to read below to get the whole story behind theses pictures... Finn and Gracie reading books.
This is how Neelah kept herself busy while the kiddies were off playing. Maybe she was playing peek-a-boo?

Another picture of the dress up costumes. Finn kept brushing this out of his face like it was Repunzel's long hair or something.
The other day we went with our freinds the Prudens to the Childrens Museum. Mom bought a membership for all of the family I we need to take more advantage of it. Here are Finn and Grace with the flowers they picked from the garden. Grace is Finn's favorite church friend.
This isn't a very good pic but it is of the two of them rowing away in the rowboat.

Finn is about ready to whack himself in the face with the oar
Now Grace is a big dress up fan. She located these "costumes" and they both went to town. Grace is a shark (unfortunately, you can't see her back) and Finn is wearing some sort of bird outfit. Why is he wearing it on his head you ask? Well when I asked him why he replied, "I am a costume" "I am going to WORK!" Then that afternoon he wanted to wear his Winnie the Pooh costume all afternoon. It was all about the costume. I don't know that he grasps the concept completely but he has fun reguardless. That is all that matters. I love Grace's pose here. She is quite the drama queen.


Michael and Brinn said...

What a fun place! Cute pictures.

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