Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Brotherly Love...

So since Neelah has been rolling around, she is way more interested in toys. Finn is having so much fun playing with her!! He is such a good big brother and I hope she appreciates it. There is a story about how Eric's sister Anne used to literally bite onto Eric's achilles (sp?) tendon and let him drag her around. Hopefully my kids will have a happier relationship than that! (Love that story Anne!!)
In this photo, Finn is actually tucking her in. He has been playing with his stuffed puppy and elephant and loves to tuck them into his bed. Since he has so much expertise, he is using it on Neelah.
Giving loves...Neelah is a lover just like Finn.
Happy rolling fool
And here is Finn playing patty-cake with Neelah. She adores her big brother and as I have said before, he is the only one who can consistantly make her laugh!


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