Here is Miss Neelah sitting up by herself. Granted, about 3 seconds after this was snapped, she fell over but it was a great effort!
This video is of Finn singing Do As I'm Doing. He learned it in Nursery last Sunday. When I called home to chat, he got on the phone and sang it to me. It made me cry!! I am so proud of my little boy! He learns SO QUICKLY and is so smart! I love that he is learning so much in Nursery. He comes home each week and the Nursery sisters tell us that he is getting better and better each week. For a while there, he would play too rough with the other kids. It didn't help that our church block is right during naptime. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this video as much as I did. Check out Neelah doing her best to sit up by herself! She is growing up WAY TOO FAST!! 6 months old already!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Makes me cry...
a day at the museum
So this blog is totally messed up and backwards but I am too lazy to fix it. You will have to read below to get the whole story behind theses pictures... Finn and Gracie reading books.
This is how Neelah kept herself busy while the kiddies were off playing. Maybe she was playing peek-a-boo?
Another picture of the dress up costumes. Finn kept brushing this out of his face like it was Repunzel's long hair or something.
The other day we went with our freinds the Prudens to the Childrens Museum. Mom bought a membership for all of the family I we need to take more advantage of it. Here are Finn and Grace with the flowers they picked from the garden. Grace is Finn's favorite church friend.
This isn't a very good pic but it is of the two of them rowing away in the rowboat.
Finn is about ready to whack himself in the face with the oar
Now Grace is a big dress up fan. She located these "costumes" and they both went to town. Grace is a shark (unfortunately, you can't see her back) and Finn is wearing some sort of bird outfit. Why is he wearing it on his head you ask? Well when I asked him why he replied, "I am a costume" "I am going to WORK!" Then that afternoon he wanted to wear his Winnie the Pooh costume all afternoon. It was all about the costume. I don't know that he grasps the concept completely but he has fun reguardless. That is all that matters. I love Grace's pose here. She is quite the drama queen.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Family Time
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Another day older...
This pic was taken today, the day after my bday bash! Unfortunately, there are no real photo's of the party since I wasn't about to document my own party. I am always the one behind the camera and when I don't take pictures, they don't really get taken. However, I am wearing the new necklace and earrings that the Watson's gave me, LOVE THEM! And the party was a hit. We had food and best of all, CARROT cake!! Just a chill night with the fam! What better way to start off my last year in my 20's! Finn told me all day long that it was my birthday party. He even carried around the candles for the cake for like 2 hours asking when it would be time to put them on the cake. He was more excited about the cake than even I was, and did I mention it was CARROT CAKE??? (my favorite!)
Touches my heart...
You were generals in the War in Heaven and one day when you are in the
spirit world, you will be enthralled by those you are associated with.
You will ask someone in which time period they lived and you might hear,
"I was with Moses when he parted the
pyramids'" or "I fought with Captain Moroni." And as you are standing
there in amazement, someone will turn to you and ask you which of the
prophets' time did you live in? And when you say "Gordon B. Hinkley" a
hush will fall over every hall and corridor in Heaven, and all in
attendance will bow at your presence. You were held back six thousand
years because you were the most talented, most obedient, most
courageous, and most righteous.
Elder Boyd K. Packer
This quote from Boyd K Packer really inspires me. It makes me want to get out of the crappy mood that I am in and be the person I came to Earth to be. It makes it easier to look at the bigger picture and not focus on the hurt feelings or annoyances of daily life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, I hope it inspires and uplifts you as much as it does me.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Check out my underwear!!
Today I was on the phone with Brinn and it was quiet. Not good. I called out to Finn to find out where he was and he says, I'm going POTTY! Yipeee, he went in there all by himself and did his thing. I love it!! But the newest development is that he can put his underwear and shorts back on by himself. He came out of the bathroom looking like this. Now you can't really tell that his shorts are on backwards but here he is showing you "Diego" in front. We have a longstanding argument in this house about how Diego goes on his BUM! He wants to be able to see Diego and not just the Jaguar's that are on the front. Needless to say, it took me 10 mins of arguing to get him to put his underpants and shorts on right.
How cute are the thigh rolls!! Since Finn was showing off his underwear, I didn't want Neelah to be jealous and since she sucks on her dress all day long, it was a perfect shot. I love the quilt here that Jen made for Neelah! Neelah loves to look at the colors and tries to pick up the polka dots.
One Lovely Fall Evening
Last night we went for a walk. It was a gorgeous night and I even put a sweater on Neelah...a SWEATER folks, can you believe it? We didn't make it far since Finn insisted on ramming the dogs with his bike. Not to mention my dumb am I for walking in front of him?
I for sure got rammed taking this photo.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Today was Lagoon day for Questar (my mom's work). We decided that Eric shouldn't have all the fun so we went, just Finn and the girls! It was a great day, not too hot, not too crowded. We used to go to this Lagoon Day all the time when we were growing up but I can honestly say that I hadn't been for like over 10 years. They have really added some fun stuff, esp for the kiddies! The above pic is of Neelah and I waiting for Finn and Ya-Ya to finish their ride.
Only, Finn didn't even get on...This is Finn leaving the boat ride without even riding. He got in the boat and then realized that Ya-Ya wasn't getting in too and decided it was not for him. There went 25 min waiting in line in the sun! I was a little worried that this was foreshadowing for the rest of the day.
But alas, here we are riding Puff the magic dragon! This above shot was before the ride started and the one below...
is the action shot. I can't tell what he thinks but after getting off the ride he said he loved it! ??? Do you think the kid behind Finn is enjoying himself?
From the look on Finn's face, this was OBVIOUSLY the best part of the day. THE TRAIN RIDE!! He was so giddy to go on the train and loved every second of the 4 min ride. It made me sad to see the animals and their cages. So not anything like their natural habitats.
These next pics were actually of the beginning of the day. Questar puts on lots of fun games for the family. Here is Finn catching a ducky...and then he got a prize!
There was cookie decorating and Finn promptly spilled his sprinkles on the ground. I was generous enough to give him mine.
Enjoying his masterpiece...
And waiting his turn for yet another ride...the mini Tidal Wave. Very fun!
Watching this one made me a little ill. When did I get so squeamish?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
So thankful!
There are many things that I am thankful for today. But right now I am thankful for a few specific things. I am thankful that both my kids are napping (well, as I type I can hear Finn singing to himself). But looking back through my blog over the past year, I am truly greatful for my freinds. I have the best friends! It makes me want to cry when I think of you guys who are so loyal, loving and understanding. I guess after taking that personality test, it really got me thinking about the kind of friend that I am. I really strive to be loyal, loving and understanding and so I am so blessed to have freinds that have those charecteristics.
I have really been blessed in my life with the people I have met. In good times, and bad. In Utah and Hawaii. In elementary and in motherhood. The people who read this make up that list and I am so grateful to have you in my life. It is just so good to be accepted for who we are! I am so glad to know how important that is so that I can teach it to my children. This is a little on the cheesy side for a blog entry, but since this seconds as my journal (or the closest thing to one) I had to express my gratitude!
Love you guys!!
So I stole the Personality test below from Mandy. It's quick and fun and fits me to a "T"!!! How do these things work so well? Horiscopes, not so much but this...Hits the nail right on the head. Especially the last line, I am not bossy, inappropriate or loud! I am trusting, idealistic and expressive! It's funny how today and for the last few weeks, I have thought that I was those first things. Through some soul searching I have realized that this is just me. You can take it or leave it. I make no false pretenses :) It was nice to have this say that although others may see me as one thing, I know that I am something else, something BETTER! Take yours and let me know if the same happens for you.
My personality.
You Are An ENFJ |
![]() You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. In love, you are very protective and supporting.However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous. At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential.You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive When other people don't get you, they see you as: Bossy, inappropriate, and loud |
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Never too late...
Summer yard fun
This one was actually taken a few weeks ago, before we sold all but one puppy. The kids loved tot get in the pen with them and play around.
These pics were taken yesterday after my sister Lyndsay and her family came over for a little back yard playgroup. The kids had tons of fun on this swingset and Finn only pushed Felicity and Gabe down the slide once.
Gabe, Reagan and Finn. Reagan is such a character! Do you think she is having any fun?
Potty training incentive!
For months now, we have had this Thomas the tank engine Steam track set. Finn has known that when he went poo poo and pee pee in the potty, he got to play with it. I bought it thinking that he would jump at the chance to play with it and instantly be potty trained. What am I, a rookie? You betcha! Needless to say, he drug the box around the house showing everyone that THIS was what he got when he went in the toilet but he didn't actually do it. That is, until 2 weeks ago. Since then, he has only had two days where he has had accidents, that is pretty impressive I think but then, I am the mom.
Brotherly Love...
So since Neelah has been rolling around, she is way more interested in toys. Finn is having so much fun playing with her!! He is such a good big brother and I hope she appreciates it. There is a story about how Eric's sister Anne used to literally bite onto Eric's achilles (sp?) tendon and let him drag her around. Hopefully my kids will have a happier relationship than that! (Love that story Anne!!)
In this photo, Finn is actually tucking her in. He has been playing with his stuffed puppy and elephant and loves to tuck them into his bed. Since he has so much expertise, he is using it on Neelah.
Giving loves...Neelah is a lover just like Finn.
Happy rolling fool
And here is Finn playing patty-cake with Neelah. She adores her big brother and as I have said before, he is the only one who can consistantly make her laugh!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Can't be outdone...
I know I am so bad about blogging lately, I know this. I feel way out done by my friends (all except Brinn who hasn't updated her blog since mom's day). Even Lissa who is new to having a blog has outdone me! I just thought that I would give a little update even without pictures.
I don't think I mentioned it but I am a working woman these days! I got hired on at LDS Hospital as a Unit Secretary on the floor that I used to work on before my marriage days. I love it! About half of the employees there are from 4 years ago so I know some friendly faces. I work 3 days a week from 3pm-11pm. It has beeen AMAZINGLY fulfilling for me and I appreciate my kiddies so much when I get home. I even go gaze at Neelah while she sleeps. I can't do this with Finn because he is such a light sleeper, that if I walked in his head would pop up and he would say "hi Mommy!"
Lets see, other news.... FINN IS POTTY TRAINED!!!! I am liberated!! One day, he just decided it was a good time. We went out and bought a bunch of underwear including Thomas the Tank, Cars and Go Diego Go. Only once in 7 days has he had an accident and that time he came to me exclaiming that "poop was coming out!!" We ran into the bathroom and sure enough, he didn't make it there fast enough but then he sat down and finished his business. How proud am I?