Sunday, November 03, 2013
Sunday Morning...
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Halloween 2013
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
9 years old!!
Brody @ 17 months
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Brody decides to crawl!

Hunting season 2013

Miss Neelah
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Sandy Point Beach
We decided to venture to the beach today- with the Labor Day holiday and YaYa here it was the perfect last hurrah of the summer!
Yaya comes to visit!
Following in Finn's footsteps
Friday, August 30, 2013
First day of school 2013-2014
Finn started third grade at a new school, Mount Airy Elementary. Third through fifth grades attend there. He has a morning and an afternoon teacher in 3rd grade and switches halfway through the day. Mornings are English, Literature and social studies. Afternoons he goes to math and science in the classroom next door. We are waiting to hear about if he gets accepted into the Gifted and Talented program. He is being considered for ELA in the G/T program. I'm really proud of him for that. I know that if he really paid attention he could also be considered for math/science as well. It's only been 4 days of school and his two teachers have already mentioned to me that he is having issued keeping his chatting mouth closed. :0)
Neelah is in first grade this year and has adjusted really well back into the routine of school. She cried the night before the first day saying, "I won't get to spend as much time with you if I am gone at school all day..." Bless her sensitive heart. She loves the days when she goes to Art and will tell you that she wants to be an artist when she grows up.
Savvy is LOVING Kindergarten. Her teacher is brand spankin' new, this is her first permanent teaching assignment. She is young and energetic and I think she will be great for Savvy. This is the first year that the kindergarten teachers don't have full time assistant teachers. I hope that Savvy isn't too overwhelming. We all know she can talk anyone to death.
This week has been really nice for me at home. I have been able to really spend time with Keegan and have one on one time with him. I have also been able to fully accomplish the tasks that I start. I have made myself a list of all the deep cleaning I want to get done- the stuff that has been completely neglected for who knows how long! I have spent the majority of my week paining the dining room chairs and touching up the dining room table that we stained and painted.
I love hearing about my kids favorite part of school was each day. I love to have them come home and tell me all about something new that they learned. I am SO THANKFUL that our experience with the local elementary schools have been so wonderful. Every teacher that I have met has been exceptional and my kids have truly enjoyed.
Keegan has grown into the stage of asking "WHY?" to everything. The funny thing about this is that where most kids want to know more than the answer "because", he will take the actual answer and then tell ME "because" He is really starting to talk and use his imagination to play. His go-to toy is any and all cars. He is obsessed with cars and spends time each day lining them all up and driving them across the couch. Another funny thing he says is "I love you too Mom". This wouldn't be considered funny except that he says it first but includes the "too" as if he was saying it in response to me telling him that I love him. We are starting to enforce the rule that "blanky" has to stay in his bed. He is usually pretty good about it. We don't ever have to battle with him on bringing it with us in the car anymore. Slow progress...
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Brody-slowly making progress...
Since Brody was born, we have had him followed by all sorts of specialists: a nephrologist, neurologist, developmental pediatrician, physical therapist... The kid is just an attention addict! ;0)
Monday, August 12, 2013
Quiet Time
I have tried my hardest to teach my kids to have quiet, independent time while the younger ones are napping. Finn has always been EXCELLENT at this-entertaining himself even when I was pregnant with Neelah and wanted a nap of my own.
Neelah is hit or miss. As she gets older she is doing much better and sometimes even chooses to play by herself when friends are around. She is one who likes her quiet time as much as crazy play time.
Then there is Savvy. Savvy does not understand the meaning of "alone". I get it- when I was younger I hated to be alone too. For MY sanity, I NEED quiet time. Really what I need is "no talking to Mom" time. It doesn't matter if she plays with the iPad, watches her favorite movie or plays in the toy room- she can't go for more than 15 minuets without having something to say to me.
Often, she just wanders over for an "I love you" and a kiss. I adore that she is so affectionate! Most other times she just has a question about something: "can I have something to eat, can I have gum, will you get me a drink, where is Neelah?" Etc. then there are the times when she is just bored and needs to be bugging someone...anyone. I walk from a room and she and her curiosity follow me.
I'm nervous for her to be at school full time. I hope her teacher is able to kindly teach her to work independently and respect times when she needs to be a listener, not a talker.
To be continued...
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