Friday, August 09, 2013

More of our 2013 Utah trip

On our last full day in Utah, we went to Wheeler Farm with Aunt Lyndsay, Felicity, Reagan, Gabe and YaYa.  We got some good pictures and playtime in before this nasty rain storm rolled in.

Neelah's hair didn't love the dry air in Utah but she is sickeningly sweet nevertheless!
Keegan paused for a moment of deep thought here (no he wasn't filling his diaper).  I am not really sure what he was doing but it made for a GREAT picture!
A rare picture of Eric and I
Then the rain came!!  We made it back to YaYa's house and the sky opened up and poured down.  The kids LOVED playing in the summer rain and it was probably the highlight of their trip to Utah!
Doing a little rain dancing....

I'm not sure what Savvy was doing striking a pose in the gutter but it shows her personality to a T! We really cherish cousin time since we don't get it as much as we want.
We also took a trip to Temple Square while in Utah and we happened to run into Sister Wilhelm who is from our Mount Airy ward!  It was so fun to see Susannah.
I am so glad that we were able to go see the Christus and the Temple.  Finn was the only one who remembered having been here before so it was so nice to let the other kids experience it.  We roamed around with Grandma and Grandpa Watson, Aunt April, Nate, Soren and Taos.  It was a wonderful Sunday.
These days, trying to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time is near impossible.  After about 12 pictures, this was the best one.  I love this family and cherish each person shown here.  We are blessed to be an Eternal Family.  I still have a hard time believing that I have FIVE kids!


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