Saturday, July 05, 2008

Fireworks Finale for Eric

I have no idea whether this video will turn out but we wanted to try to capture it for Eric. When I asked him if they did anything special for the soldiers for the holiday, he said that the artillery went of at 9:45pm but NOT for fireworks. He said that the BOOM!! woke him up and the firing kept him awake for about 20 min. I guess it is pretty hard to sleep with all that going on. Although I know he is about as safe as it gets being a soldier in Iraq, these stories bring me back to reality. I am still so proud of my husband, especially when we celebrate our freedoms. What a sacrifice these men and women make just so that we can set off fireworks! (among every other liberty we enjoy!) Thanks Eric for being so brave and setting an example of what ultimately we all should be willing to sacrifice for our FREEDOM!


Lombardo Family said...

Freedom has a new ring to it when the ones you love are fighting for us to keep it. Thanks to Eric for his tremendous service!

Rob and Jenn said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you Eric and all the others for their bravery and strength!

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