Saturday, July 05, 2008

Freedom Celebrations!

Last night the Watson Clan came over and we BBQ'd and set off fireworks. Alisa and Ty made some excellent pork ribs and we all ate like kings. Finn could hardly wait for fireworks. He has been asking me all week when were we going to do fireworks. I was glad the day had finallly come so he would stop asking. The above pic is of Grandpa Rick and Finn with our fireworks spread.
Of course Neelah had to get into it and just pull everything out.
Neelah wasn't sure what to think of the fireworks...whether to be scared or what but eventually she decided that fireworks were fun and wasn't scared anymore.

Here is Finn explaining to us all what fireworks do. Even without words you can tell how excited he was by the animated face.


Rob and Jenn said...

I love that you do fireworks in my old cul-de-sac. I have fond memories of doing fireworks with all the neighorhood kids right there in front of your home. Ah, to be young again.

Michael and Brinn said...

That's fun. I bet Eric missed all of you when he see's these pictures.

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