Sunday, October 05, 2008

Making the change...

So my friend Amy is going vegan. When she first announced this on her blog, I thought she was nuts! (no offense Amy!) I just have never understood how people go without, or WANT to go without dairy or meat. I have never been one to deprive myself of anything. That is why my bum is so BIG! Anyhow, Amy got me thinking (go Amy!). As I have been eating the last few weeks, I would think to myself, Amy can't eat this... Then I thought about all the crap I put into my mouth. Seriously, A LOT of crap! I am a sweet fiend. I have been in the habit of eating chocolate as I am laying in bed reading before sleeping for as long as I can remember.

Then a few nights ago, I was surfing my blog links and Nina had said that she and her hubby were going back on the Eat to Live diet. I looked into it online. I will admit, I have never really dieted. I did Weight Watchers for a while and it worked really well because if I wanted to eat 5 Oreo's then I just had to eat veggies for dinner. But the counting points got old.

So when I read about this "eating lifestyle" I was interested. I am not interested in never eating red meat again. I am not interested in giving up cheese or chocolate or Charelston Chews. But I am very interested in having more energy and not being so tired all the time. I am interested in feeling HEALTHY, not squishy. I have accepted the fact that with three kids, getting on my elliptical machine isn't going to happen on a regular basis. Exersise isn't high on the priority list when diapers are always wet and tummy's are always hungry. I am not going to get healthy by devoting myself to cardio workouts. So the idea of doing it through what I put in my mouth sounded like something I could do.

After picking up the book, I have decided to commit to the 6 week plan. This is big people. HUGE! I have never been one to do anything like this. I have never done Atkins or any type of cleanse. I am going to need your support. I am going to need to be accountable to everyone. The aggressive form of this plan cuts out all dairy and meat for 6 weeks. I am not going to do that. I am just being realistic. But I am going to change my diet to avoid those foods in 95% of my diet.

If anyone is interested in doing this with me, JUMP ON MY BANDWAGON! I would love to have someone to share good recipes with. But then again, you would have to listen to me complain about wanting a piece of chocolate cake everyday. I can do this! I am commiting to take care of my body this way for 6 weeks. I may quit afterward but I can do it for 6 measly weeks.

Unfortunately for me, I am starting this after finding the MOST AMAZING recipe for chocolate cake in the world!!


Brittany said...

You'll have to tell me more about the diet, but I might be interested. Not promising anything though! I still have 20 lbs to lose from the baby, YIKES!

Lissa said...

You have to tell me more about this AMAZING recipe for chocolate cake!

Aren't I such a jerk! More power to ya...that is a big step to take, maybe someday I will have the will power to join you!

Lombardo Family said...

Good for you Heather. Maybe I'll join you after I have this baby. I'm always one to try a new way of eating. (I hate to say diet)! :o)

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