Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So I recently opened myself a facebook account. Big mistake. That thing will SUCK THE TIME RIGHT FROM YOUR BONES!! It is worse than this blogger. As a mommy of 3 my internet time is precious and Facebook is monopolizing it. I see all these people who I once knew and wonder what they are up to.

I have a tendency to hold on to memories from years ago. Good and Bad. Along with this facebook thing, I have wondered about past boyfriends and what they are up to, past childhood friends and if they are married with kids of their own, people I worked with back in the day...that kind of thing. Some of these individuals I think about more than others. I can't help it. You spend so much of your life with certain people and then BAM! you never hear from them again.

I wonder what they are REALLY doing. I wonder if they think of me or if I am the weird one, looking up random old friends on facebook.


Kathryn said...

Heather that is so funny, I just opened up a facebook account last night. Same thing with me!! It just seems like my whole family uses facebook. And it is amazing how many people are on there! I have found lost friends too. Crazy
I know how you feel, you are not the only weird one. :)

Joanie said...

I love facebook!! I check it too many times during the day. It is definitely an addiction...

Larkin said...

You are definitely not weird at all I think everyone on there is there for that reason!! And it is TOTALLY addictive...

The Powells said...


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