Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fun with Lobster

I know that this is a pretty crappy picture. It was taken with Eric's camera phone but I wanted to show you all just what Eric is up to. If you find yourself beginning to feel pity for the "poor soldier forced to serve his country" ....DON'T!

Eric had dinner with our good friends Dane and Kerilyn last night. Dane has a friend who apparently flies fresh lobster to the island to sell to local merchants etc. Bummer that they saved a few for themselves!

Instead, direct your pity toward me since I am still here wiping poopy butts! :)


The Powells said...

ya and freezing our buns off in this weather -- while he is enjoying the sunshine!! We do miss you Eric -- but are a bit jelous you are in Hawaii right now!!!

Michael and Brinn said...

Yeah Eric, not feeling too bad for you right now. That's a fun picture.

naptime nostalgia said...

I am so jealous, I wish that stupid lobster would wake up from the dead and snap his nose off.

Yeah, I'm not bitter.

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