Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stand Back...I am a professional!

This morning:

Finn: Mom, I am hungry
Neelah: ME ME!!

I make waffles and yogurt.

Savvy starts crying
I get her up and change her bum
Neelah walks in Savvy's room with her bowl of waffles and yogurt.

Me: Neelah, go back to the table
Neelah: K

I pick up Savvy and she immediatley pukes all over me.
I put her back down and wipe myself off.
Neelah walks in still holding her bowl of waffles.

Neelah: K

Wipe Savvy up

Finn: MOM!! Neelah is feeding her waffles to Maile!!!
I go into the kitchen and banish Maile outside and tell Neelah AGAIN to sit at the table and eat.
I put Savvy into her seat to feed her some rice cereal and sweet potatoes. While I am mixing, Neelah drops her bowl of waffles on the floor.

I let Maile in to clean it up.

I start to feed Savvy. Minuets pass and Neelah says: Mommy, poo-poo! She is holding out her finger which means that she has reached in and touched the poop. ULGH!!

I go over to Neelah and check things out. No poop. So I ask her if she needs to go poo-poo. She says yes so I take her into the bathroom to put her on her potty. She sits for 10 seconds and then just wants to carry the potty around the house. I put her diaper back on and go back to Savvy. She has now pooped...all over the place. I take her in to get changed. Clean her up and go back to her seat to finish feeding her.

As I sit down, Neelah announces that she has poo-poo. I check. Yep. I go in to change her. I come back out and Maile is EATING SAVVY'S BABY FOOD!!! I could kill that dog. KILL. I make more cereal for Savvy and while I am feeding her Finn calls out to me from the bathroom cause there isn't any more toilet paper. Apparently Neelah has unrolled the entire roll and Finn is stuck on the toilet.

At this point I think to myself, when does the poop stop???!!!


Lombardo Family said...

Heather, I love it! Why can't I express myself as good as you can? Dang that was funny.

Joanie said...

Umm! Holy cow! I giggled, I'm sorry! ;) I hope today goes better for you!

The Powells said...

and this is why im freaking out about having #3. that just made me so damn tired...what a morning! and why i also keep telling jason we cant get a dog for a REALLY long time...he is driving me crazy cuz he thinks we need one asap. no, its just another thing to take care of.

Vicki said...

That is great...sadly I feel like that with my one child. This totally just made me reconsider having baby #2. This story made me laugh. Thanks for sharing!

Katie said...

So real!!

Larkin said...

It always seems to be that way.. Everything all at once, right???

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