This morning:
Finn: Mom, I am hungry
Neelah: ME ME!!
I make waffles and yogurt.
Savvy starts crying
I get her up and change her bum
Neelah walks in Savvy's room with her bowl of waffles and yogurt.
Me: Neelah, go back to the table
Neelah: K
I pick up Savvy and she immediatley pukes all over me.
I put her back down and wipe myself off.
Neelah walks in still holding her bowl of waffles.
Neelah: K
Wipe Savvy up
Finn: MOM!! Neelah is feeding her waffles to Maile!!!
I go into the kitchen and banish Maile outside and tell Neelah AGAIN to sit at the table and eat.
I put Savvy into her seat to feed her some rice cereal and sweet potatoes. While I am mixing, Neelah drops her bowl of waffles on the floor.
I let Maile in to clean it up.
I start to feed Savvy. Minuets pass and Neelah says: Mommy, poo-poo! She is holding out her finger which means that she has reached in and touched the poop. ULGH!!
I go over to Neelah and check things out. No poop. So I ask her if she needs to go poo-poo. She says yes so I take her into the bathroom to put her on her potty. She sits for 10 seconds and then just wants to carry the potty around the house. I put her diaper back on and go back to Savvy. She has now pooped...all over the place. I take her in to get changed. Clean her up and go back to her seat to finish feeding her.
As I sit down, Neelah announces that she has poo-poo. I check. Yep. I go in to change her. I come back out and Maile is EATING SAVVY'S BABY FOOD!!! I could kill that dog. KILL. I make more cereal for Savvy and while I am feeding her Finn calls out to me from the bathroom cause there isn't any more toilet paper. Apparently Neelah has unrolled the entire roll and Finn is stuck on the toilet.
At this point I think to myself, when does the poop stop???!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Stand Back...I am a professional!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday Activities
I love Saturday's for many reasons. Mentally they are a "break" from the hard work. More recently it is because my mom is home on the weekends to help out. Sunday's aren't in the same catagory since getting ready for church and sitting through Sacrament meeting with 3 kids isn't the easiest thing.
This last Saturday we made a trip to Costco. Love Costco. Finn saw the McQueen bed and FLIPPED. He laughed hysterically for about 30 seconds and then SCREAMED at the top of his lungs for me to "LOOK AT THIS COOL BED!!" Everyone in the back half of Costco heard just how excited he was about this bed.
Unfortunately for him, the bank account didn't support his wishes. I am in the market for some bunk beds though. I really want the Pottery Barn bunk beds but am not ready to drop a grand on them. Eric doesn't make that much money...YET. ( as I type this he is telling me about how he wants to start his own company).
After our trip to Costco, we ate at Cafe Rio. YUM. Neelah went to town on Ya-Ya's salad. She was LOVING the dressing and let me tell you, the dressing the other night had a little kick to it! She was licking the dressing off her fingers and picking through the salad to find every last tomato. Go Girl. Whatever makes you happy.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
New Years Eve 2008
I know, I know. Tip your head to the side to see that Eric is a PROFESSIONAL Wii Ski-er. This is what we did on New Years Eve. We spent the night at the Rossi's as we have done for 5 years in a row.
Camden and Finn had a great night too. Amy and I have heard many requests since to repeat the sleepover.
Christmas in January
Merry Christmas Everyone. I know, it has been 3 weeks since the actual holiday but I am just now getting this posted. I wouldn't post except for the fact that one of my New Years Resolutions is to take my blog and have it bound in a hard back book for journaling purposes. I couldn't just leave out Christmas 2008!! So here it is, a little late but here nonetheless.
Neelah got a doll stroller which is played with everyday...even if it is raced around the basement by Finn and not pushing a dolly like it was meant to be. Sometimes Neelah gets to play with it if Finn has something more interesting to do. Finn picked out Eric's present himself...a Spiderman bat and ball. Nice, don't you think? Just what Eric always wanted.
Neelah got a princess wig which she would have nothing to do with. Eric modeled it for us.
She did totally enjoy her jewelry collection. She will periodically walk around the house with her Dora Purse on her shoulder, her sunglasses and jewelry on and her phone to her ear. I have GOT to get a picture of that.
This was my Christmas gift from Eric. Love love love it!!
Here is Finn explaining to Eric what his present is.
Christmas was a little anti-climactic for Savvy this year. She did get a few toys and outfits but mostly enjoyed watching the chaos that was Finn and Neelah on Christmas morning.
This was the main present for Neelah. Now she and Finn don't have to fight over my old rocking chair.
New Christmas Jammies and slippers. Finn calls these his "speedy shoes" and had been asking for them since before Thanksgiving.
This is classic of my kids. Neelah bringing on the DRAMA, Savvy watching the DRAMA and Finn in his own world, enjoying himself. It was a great Holiday Season!
Proud Mama!
I am so proud of my son. I am one of those moms who show random strangers pictures of my kids. I really do...I did just that the other night at the Jazz game. Seriously.
All of a sudden Finn just started busting out his letters! He sat down at the table tonight and asked me how to spell the names of our family. After he did this, he did his numbers 1-10. I am so proud of him!! He is 4!! My son is a GENIUS!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Friday, January 09, 2009
In a diaper box

Yesterday while I was cleaning the house, Finn and Neelah spent an hour + with a diaper box. What is it with kids and boxes? First they climbed in and played and then when it broke, they had the brilliant idea to make a house. I love it when they play together.
This morning after Finn crawled in bed with me he told me that "Mom, you are the best mom I ever had". He drives me nuts with all the talking that he does ALL DAY LONG but when he says things like this, it makes up for it and then some. I love my kids!
2 moms, 6 kids

Brinn was here visiting on her last few days of xmas vacation before she went back to Kentucky. I LOVED having her and her kiddies here with me but it DID get a little CRAZY! Above is the shot of all of the kids in the car. From back to front: Neelah, Brooklyn, Finn. 2nd row: Kabren, Brielle, and Savvy. Brinn and me in the front. Imagine for one second what it looked like for us to pile out of the van. Seriously.