So since I haven't been my usual faithful blogger, I had better start from the beginning. A month ago, Eric came home. We have had the best month ever and unfortunately it came to an end this morning. I took him to the airport to get on a plane for Hawaii. He had to return there to fulfill the end of his contract. Hopefully he will be able to find another job in the meantime so that he can come home before his orders end which is in Feb 2009.
When the kids woke up the morning he got home, it was chaos! Finn was SO EXCITED and he kept telling everyone that. Of course, they immediately started wrestling. That is just what the Watson's do.

Neelah on the other hand didn't quite know what to make of the whole thing. She wasn't afraid of Eric but wouldn't go to him for the first little bit. It only took her about an hour before she was sitting in his lap and competing for his attention. Since then, it has been all over. She adores her daddy!
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