These pictures are pretty crappy since I had to snap them with my phone in the dark. Every night I come downstairs before I go to bed to tuck Finn in. He is almost always not in his bed in the right direction. Last night he was upside down and up against the wall, which is the mildest of all his previous positions.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Last Night
Tuesday Morning
Monday, September 29, 2008
Big Announcement
Well, we have some very interesting news...
After much deliberation, arguing, crying and worrying--we are moving back to Hawaii. I know I know. Some of you remember me complaining about living there and saying that I would never go back. I have changed my ways. I actually do miss it every now and again. Mostly, I miss the humidity and being able to have the windows open all day long and feel the breeze.
Eric has been offered a job with a company called Texeltek and we decided to accept. It is a great opportunity for Eric's career and will help him in the long run. We are also really excited to be able to break out of the military life. I am less than thrilled about having to pay for health insurance again but I guess that is what happens when you take a regular job that gives paid holidays and doesn't require you to be at their beck and call all the time. It will be nice to actually live with my husband again too. I can't forget that part!
We won't move until after the new year so lucky me, I get to spend 6 months in my house! Of course everyone is welcome to visit us on the balmy island. I hope some of you take me up on that offer.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Finn's first Primary Program
So I know I am lame and took this video clip with my camera turned sideways. I have looked and looked and there just isn't a way to turn it back upright. Oh well. At least Eric gets to see Finn perform in his first Primary Program at Church. I am so proud of him, he had his lines all memorized although Brittany was there to help him. In case you can't understand him he says, "These are all things to help me be worthy to enter the temple someday, and receive the temple ordinances so that my family can be together forever."
He was so funny up there singing his heart out. He gave it his all complete with hand gestures (I missed those on video). It's days like this that I LOVE having a 3 year old!
Funny story:
The other day wasn't one of those days. I was tired and frustrated with Finn and the girls. Finn wanted to burn some energy and so he was running around like a lunatic. Neelah was whining every time I picked up Savvy. Savvy wasn't taking her usual naps and was a bit cranky herself. I will admit, I was very short with the kids throughout the day. It was about 5 pm when I had finally convinced Finn and Neelah to go downstairs and play nicely when I decided that since Savvy was asleep, now was the only time I was going to get to take 5 min and go to the bathroom in PEACE....BY MYSELF...ALONE.
Of course I didn't shut the door, that is like murder in a house with children under the age of 4. So just as I am relishing the quiet moment I hear Finn from downstairs. "No Neelah, don't put the giraffe in the TOILET!!"
My peace lasted all of 30 seconds. At least she didn't try to flush it. It is a rather large giraffe.
We love Maile
Our house
This video is for Brinn and any other friends who want a virtual tour of our house...just the main level.
Friday, September 19, 2008
All dressed up...
Since the day of Savvy's blessing was a little crazy with family and friends and all, I decided to dress her up in her blessing dress so that I could get a picture. She was such a good sport! The only hitch I had was that Neelah kept wanting to be in the picture. She kept pulling on Savvy's dress.
Savvy has grown so much this last few weeks. She is a different person already! No longer are the days when we have a little newborn that looks a bit alien-ish. She is full on Watson. She is such a good baby, usually sleeping 8-9 hrs per night at a time. She almost never cries when Neelah pokes her. She smiles at us now. We love having her in our family.
Everyone had to get their picture taken this morning...not just Savvy. Check out the costume that Finn is STILL wearing!!
Neelah has discovered necklaces and bracelets. She is such a little princess.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pre-Halloween Dress up
Finn decided that this year for Halloween he wanted to be Spiderman. We were at Target the other day and he spotted this costume and had to have it. So we bring it home and not more than 3 min after walking in the door, he is wearing it. He woke up the following morning and put it on IMMEDIATELY. I know that some of you have had your kids playing the dress up game for a while now, but we are newcomers to this whole thing. I hope the novelty of this costume hasn't worn off before the actual trick-or-treating comes around.
Neelah had to be part of the fun too! She put on Finns mask and walked around saying "Hat!". Then she ran straight into the kitchen drawers! She picked herself up and did it all over again. I guess the "hat" padded her head???
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Our day at Hogle Zoo
Today we went with the Powell's to the zoo. I was feeling pretty bad since the only other time my kids have been to the zoo was when we were in Kentucky with Brinn. I have slacked on introducing my children to the wonder of caged animals.
Nevertheless, the kids and I had a great time. It wasn't hot at all and all the animals were out.
Here is Kylie riding the trunk of the elephant. Finn was a little intimidated by how it sprayed out of the trunk.
Of course we had to ride the train...Here is Neelah, Jen, Kylie, Jake and Finn.
Although you can't see the boys, they are standing 2 feet away from the Rhino.
Neelah loved how these guys moved around so quick.
She kept saying "kitty-cat"
Standing in front of the snake which is Jake's favorite part of the zoo. Finn liked the white alligator.
All in all we had a great time. I think that the last time I had been to Hogle Zoo had been like 10 years ago. They have really changed things and I am way impressed. I really think that I am going to get a season pass! It was a great energy waster for the kids and it was really nice to spend the morning outside.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Day at Temple Square
Some of you may have already looked at these photos without any text. I got a little sidetracked. That seems to happen quite often these days with three kiddo's running around the house. I took the kids to Temple Square this last Thursday and they had a lot of fun. It was such a beautiful day and perfect timing to get some energy out.
And now Savvy is crying again so this is going to be it for this post. This last picture is a good one because it shows the flag at half-mast in remembrance of 9/11. Until next time...
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Savvy's Blessing Day!
Lagoon Day 2008
My mom's work has an annual Lagoon Day. So this last Saturday we all packed up and went. They put on all sorts of fun games for the family and then you are served lunch and are set free to roam the park at your will. The kids loved the games and rides and it was the most beautiful day and the PERFECT TEMPERATURE! What more could we ask for? Eric's sister Amanda came along and I think the day was a success. Above is Neelah on her first ride by herself. She didn't cry but didn't smile either.
Of course Finn had to drive the car! He zooms his cars all over the floor all day long so it was very exciting for him to drive his very own car. We questioned whether he would go by himself but it never was an issue. Maybe he is growing out of his sheepishness finally!
This was pretty much how Savvy spent the day.
At Pioneer Village, Dad had to take Finn "shooting".
Here are Amanda, Eric and Finn riding Rattlesnake Rapids. When the ride was over, Finn announced that "that ride was TOO MUCH FUN!!" Classic. Of course they were soaked and then they all came up and hugged me.
Waiting in line...
Somehow Eric and I convinced Finn to ride this ride. It shoots you up and then you drop down. Keep in mind this is a childrens ride but Finn didn't like it much. The above pic is a before shot.
Then we have an action shot where Finn wasn't too thrilled.
The kiddie Tidal Wave. Eric had to take this picture, just looking at this ride made me sick.
Eric nagged and nagged and I finally decided to ride Wicked. It had been like 6 years since I had been on a rollercoaster let alone this one. I will admit I was really nervous at first but loved it when it was all done. I rode it twice and after that I had had enough. I am old and have a queasy stomach. Oh well.
Eric's first day back home

So since I haven't been my usual faithful blogger, I had better start from the beginning. A month ago, Eric came home. We have had the best month ever and unfortunately it came to an end this morning. I took him to the airport to get on a plane for Hawaii. He had to return there to fulfill the end of his contract. Hopefully he will be able to find another job in the meantime so that he can come home before his orders end which is in Feb 2009.
When the kids woke up the morning he got home, it was chaos! Finn was SO EXCITED and he kept telling everyone that. Of course, they immediately started wrestling. That is just what the Watson's do.

Neelah on the other hand didn't quite know what to make of the whole thing. She wasn't afraid of Eric but wouldn't go to him for the first little bit. It only took her about an hour before she was sitting in his lap and competing for his attention. Since then, it has been all over. She adores her daddy!