Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Slacking Off

I know, I have been such a slacker lately. I really do feel guilty. I feel like I am missing out on documenting my kids lives. Here are a few things that have happened over the last few weeks. Finn drew this picture for Savvy to make her happy. She loves her brother and sister. Finn is such a helper with Savvy. Neelah is starting to really take an interest in Savvy...always asking where she is or if she is happy. She loves making Savvy laugh, they both do.
Since I switched Neelah into a toddler bed and gave Savvy the crib a few weeks ago, every night when I go in to cover the kids up before going to bed myself, I find SOMETHING in bed with Neelah. Wow, what a run-on sentence! Above is the perfect example. If you look closely, you can see that after I left the room, she managed to get her shoes on the wrong feet. She was obviously playing with a soccer ball, piglet book, Backyardigans book and her baby doll. What a combination! I love this girl...ALWAYS full of surprises!
Exhibit B. I walk into the bathroom and Neelah (who has peed in the potty twice now) is sitting there reading the Pottery Barn catalog. Need any decorating tips? Neelah is brushing up on her skills.


Lissa said...

So I slack off on the blogging world for just a minute and your whole world has changed!

New house...awesome, congrats!

Toddler bed...HELP, I need to know the tricks. We are working on that one right now, and I don't find it very fun!

Potty training...I am overwhelmed thinking about that one. Good for you super mom!

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