This photo above was actually taken the day she was born. She is so peaceful! What a blessing she is in my life, I can't even find the words!
Lets start from the beginning. I know that Mom pretty much gave all the details in her post but I will write up my side of the story...
Tuesday night. I went for a walk. I hadn't had many contractions at all that day and the walk didn't help much except for my cardiovascular health! I come home and call Eric's sister April. We had previously worked out with her that she and her hubby would be the one's we would call in the middle of the night if I had to rush to the hospital. They would come over and sleep here with the kiddies while Mom and I left.
I call her upon arriving back from my walk and tell her that "nothing is going to happen tonight, just go to bed and we'll talk tomorrow." I doddle around the house for a while since I hadn't been sleeping all that well myself. At about midnight I decide to get into bed and read to get myself sleepy. I turn off the lights at about 12:30 and drift into sleep pretty content since this is pretty early for me to be falling asleep lately.
Hmmm....interesting. I feel this pain in my stomach that feels as if Savvy is scratching her fingernail down the front of my bladder. OUCH!!! At that point I was coming out of sleep. Then I hear "POP" and think to myself, did I dream that? I move ever so slightly and realize my water has broken. It is 12:45.
So Mom and April and I get to the hospital at about 2:30AM. I am really not dialated. They send me walking. Come back, still not dialating. More walking. Nada! What is going on here??? At this point, it is about 7am ish and the nurse comes in and tells me that my Dr wants to start me on Pitocin. I tell her that in that case, I want an epidural. No sense in being in pain when who knows how long this could take.
So then we are all hanging out in the delivery room. Mom, Sharlene, April, Alisa, Amanda and Eric's cousin Lindsey. Not to mention the nursing staff ect. So everyone is playing cards and I am helping Amanda with her strategy. The baby was in a wierd position and wasn't descending. I was just sitting there waiting for SOMETHING to happen. I guess that Savvy decided that she had had enough and promptly lodged her foot/feet under my ribs and pretty much dove out. Seriously people. 2 contractions of her feet pushing out and the doctor was there gowning up and the baby was crowning. 7 min later she was born. Eric was on the phone and got to experience about as much as he could being all the way around the world.
Did anyone else notice that she looks just like Neelah did? And Neelah looked exactly like Finn! I have a picture that Mom took of Savvy that is identical to one we have of Finn the day we took him home from the hospital. One of these days I will upload them together so you all can see.
Finn is such a proud big brother. He is eager to help and teach Savvy all sorts of things. Today he wanted to go outside and teach her to ride the scooter. He literally gave me a 5 min dissertation on how he would teach her step by step. I adore it.
She's beautiful, Heather! It sounds like life with 3 isn't too shabby. Congrats, again!
That is funny you say all three looked identical, because I was just telling Leslie(from w8) you had your baby and all of your kids look the same...CUTE!
she really looks JUST LIKE Neelah...its crazy!! she is so perfect and i cant believe you have 3 kids!! i need to come hold her. so glad eric was on the phone while you had savvy, thats so special and everything went just like it was suppose to. cant wait to meet savvy, hopefully very soon!!
Congratulations! I'm so happy she is here and you are doing well. She looks beautiful. Hopefully I'll be able to meet her soon.
I'm tired of being preggo already...I still have a long way to go. Seeing these pictures of your new little one makes me even more excited. I realize all this I'm going through right now is worth it!
Love it Heath! Such a perfect story. So glad all went well. Have the feet gone down at all?
I've been meaning to call you. Do you need anything? I feel bad we didn't get to help you move or anything. I feel like a slacker friend. At the very least what is a good day we could come and bring you all some Rio?
Let me know. Love you! And Savvy is adorable.
Congratulations Heather and Eric! I am so happy for you. Heather, you are my hero for having a baby without your hubby in the room. Even if you didn't have a choice...
She is a beautiful girl.
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