Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Out of the mouths of babe's

Mom was picking the kids up today at Grandma Watsons and Finn looked out the window at the moon. He told Ya-ya that he used to live in the moon. She asked what he meant and he repeated that he used to live there...yesterday. If I haven't explained, anything that isn't today, is yesterday to Finn. Last week, tomorrow, yesterday...all YESTERDAY. So when Finn was telling Mom that he lived in the moon yesterday, she was really confused as to what he was talking about. She told him that no, we live in a house. He replied, No, YESTERDAY I lived with Heavenly Father in the moon! Duh Ya-ya. Of course he did.

He obviously associated the moon with heaven. And he is learning that he used to live with Heavenly Father there.

All I have to say is HOW SWEET IS MY CHILD?!!!


The Powells said...

I love that...thanks for sharing that cute story of your little finn

Elizabeth said...

I can't believe how cute you and your family is. You look EXACTLY the same, just older. Your blog is so sweet and I still can't believe you have 2 kids. I have a blog also, www.eyrewood.blogspot.com
Come visit mine and see whats up with me. Crazy stuff I tell ya. Just so you know, I have not changed one bit except I am sooooo Fat. Thats about it for me though. Can't wait to hear from ya.


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