Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Week 1 in the life...

Such a princess!
Finn needed some special attention too so Ya-Ya gave him his bath and spiked his hair.
Love the moments when she is awake!
Pucker up Daddy!
Neelah's first bath. She loved it and only cried when it was time to get out.


naptime nostalgia said...

She is absolutely adorable! I love that she looks just like her brother. So Cute!

Kathryn said...

Heather you have such an adorable little family! I pray that all is still going well. I sure love ya. I just love the pictures, keep them coming.
Love the Burtons

MommyRohner said...

Congratulations Heather! She is precious. Could you send some of that girl dust my way? Hope to see you sometime this summer.

Love, Mandy

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