Friday, May 19, 2006

Forever Bronco's

Tonight Finn and I have quietly entertained ourselves with cleaning up the house. Actually, I have quietly cleaned up after a loud and crazy Finn. Nevertheless, it has been a nice evening. Finn just got out of the bath, which is still his favorite time of the day, and promptly put on his new Bronco's bathrobe. He actually stood still for 2 minuets for me to take this picture.

This bathrobe is a tribute to Eric and his favorite NFL team. Mom made it for Finn while we were in Utah and although Finn sometimes looks more like a boxer getting ready for a fight than a little boy just out of the bath, it is so DANG cute! He will grow into it and hopefully then it will just look like a bathrobe.

Finn usually wears the robe around for about 15 min post bath and then strips it off and just runs around in a diaper until we can catch him and put jammers on him. It is always a struggle to get the jammers on since he knows that that means bedtime.


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