Thursday, May 18, 2006

Finn and Camden

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting, I have been without my laptop fr a few weeks. We are back in Hawaii and everything is mostly back to normal. Here we were with Mom and the Rossi family at the Porcupine Bar and Grill. We were trying to teach the kiddies how to blow the straw wrapper. Finn didn't quite grasp the concept even though you can see that Mom gave quite the demonstration.
Here are Finn and Camden playing on the slide in the back yard. It took them a few turns to figure out they couldn't both slide down at once but once they did, it was all good. We had so much fun with the Rossi family...Camden sure keeps Finn entertained. I wonder if in 20 years we will look at this picture and see Jeff and Eric? Both boys are spitting images of their dads.
Here you can see that Camden caught on pretty fast. It was such a coincidence that this shot turned out the way it is PERFECT! Can you ask for more of an action shot?

Just for anyone who hasn't heard the update...We are moving back to Utah in July!! YIPEEEEE!!!
We are so excited. Eric is planning on getting out of the Army and joining the Utah National Guard. Hopefully, he will be able to get a slot working with our bro in law, John, as an interregator. Actually, the position is an instructor position. We are excited to be able to be with all of our family and friends.


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