Sunday, November 25, 2007

Funny until it goes too far...

While we were decorating the house with Christmas decor, we put Neelah in her chair to sit and observe. That wasn't enough so we brought out the Kix cereal. I would put like 10 pieces on her tray and she would be content for 10 min or so. I walk out of the living room and hear Finn talking to Neelah. Then he dumps half the box on her tray. I guess she was hungry?!
It was funny how she went for the cereal. Such a treat! Then it all started loosing it's funny-ness when Finn starts making a disaster.

Maile got called in to repair the damage while Finn was banished to the time out corner. I had asked him 3 times to quit throwing cereal on the carpet. Apparently it was too tempting!
Yes, he actually does stay here with his nose in the corner until the oven timer goes off! Don't worry, it is only 2 or 3 min from when he stops screaming. I know, we are terribly mean parents. :)


Bastianclan said...

Heather too cute. I love seeing Fin in the corner. AWEEEE!!! I can't believe how big Neelah is. Wow they grow up so fast sigh... Love your pics.

naptime nostalgia said...

He actually stays in the corner?!

Michael and Brinn said...

That is so funny! I love that you took that picture of Finn in the corner. What cruelty.

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