Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Not much time today to report on all the details but here is the readers digest version:
Maile went into labor on Saturday afternoon...contractions but not too strong or regular. Same thing all day Sunday until about 8pm. That would be when we saw the water bag coming out. So, after that happens, you are supposed to have a puppy delivered within 2 hrs or so. No puppy for us. At about 1:30am we took her to the vet and got x-rays. There were 5 puppies in there just waiting to meet the world. The vet gave her 2 shots of oxytocin to help her contract more efficiently. He said that if she didn't have pups by morning, we would have to have a c-section.

5:30 am came and still no puppies. We called the vet and told them we would be in as soon as the Dr arrived-about 7:30am. Eric said he was going to go lay down for about an hour before we left. We were both up all night with Maile. 10 min after he walked out, Maile was pacing and pushing. I lifted up her tail and there was a puppy head! I had to help her deliver the first 2 but then she did the delivering herself. She wasn't too into cleaning the pups up so we did that work. But by the last one, she did everything herself. I guess she was just exhausted or something....!

We have 4 boys and 1 girl. They are all darling and I will keep updates coming. Maile is doing great at being a mom.


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