Sunday, March 25, 2007

Beached Whale!

I am sorry to say that the only updates I have this morning are that I am STILL pregant!! I know that it is wishfull thinking for me to assume that Baby Neelah will want to come out early but seriously, there is NO ROOM IN THE INN!! It is said that the last month of pregnancy, the baby gains about half a pound per week. In my case that is another pound of baby before my due date. I am already being forced to evacuate my meals in a very quick manner (either way) because my stomach and intestines just don't have any room to hold the food.

This pic was taken last night as we got ready to go to the Jazz game. Mom got "Executive Sweet" tickets and so we had an awesome date night complete with gormet meal and everything. The seats were actually in a "private club" in the Energy Solutions center and they almost didn't let me in because I was wearing black flip flops. There is a dress code you see. I whipped out the pregnancy card so quick that they didn't know what happened and said that these were my only options for swollen feet! They had to call the owner but I got the go ahead...the manager says that the owners wife is prego too so he was sympathetic. Anyway.

Have a good Sunday everyone!


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