Today we crept outside to enjoy a few minuets of dry playtime. It has been raining for 2 days and isn't supposed to stop for another 2. I love that Finn has his bike helmet (that is WAY too small for his unusually large head) on to play baseball. What a safety kid!

My absolute favorite part about the humidity is that I almost don't even have to comb Neelah's hair. It curls up so cute without even a spray of water. If only the rat's nest in back would magically untangle...

These kids are too cute together. They really have started to play well with one another. Usually it is Finn trying to get Neelah to do whatever he wants her to do and Neelah going along so that she can be just like her big brother. Sometimes I am lucky enough to hear snippets of their "conversations". Today Finn was giving Neelah a tutorial on how to pitch the ball. It was hysterical. Even though Neelah would only throw the ball 5 or 6 inches, Finn would still swing like he had a chance at hitting it. Classic. And then they would do it all over again.