Monday, April 20, 2009


Blogging from my blackberry is near impossible. Since we are farmers (as I have aforementioned) there isn't a company who has layed fiber-optic cable line to our street. That means no internet for us in the easy, plug into your cable outlet and go. We are working on some other options so until then...

I can type this from my blackberry but can't figure out how to upload pictures. Sucks to be me right now ;)


Larkin said...

Fun for you!!

The Sutera Family said...

WHAT! That sucks!! So you really are a farmer, I thought you were just kidding. If you ever come to my house you can upload pictures on my computer. How are you going to live without a computer? Talk to you soon.

Lissa said...

Umm...Im pretty sure I would die. Dinking around on the computer is how I forget about my other cares(cooking, cleaning, watching children, showering, eating, sleeping). Hopefully you farmers can figure something out.

Maybe I should try not using my computer for a week, I might accomplish a lot!

The Powells said...

that does suck!!! i miss you

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