Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Burgoynes come to visit!!

Our friends from Hawaii came and stayed with us on Friday night. It was great to have their "aloha spirit" in our home again. We love Nate and Heidi and their girls. The kids played so well together, well...when Finn wasn't hogging his toys! Kezia (sorry guys, I may have spelled her name wrong :) anyway, she LOVED Maile! Finn shared his Thomas bed with his friends and didn't put up too much of a fight about having to sleep on the floor in our room. At first, it was cool to have a little bed on the floor but when he realized that he was actually going to have to sleep there, he got a little concerned. The picture above is Finn, Maile, Kezia and Ivey. Thanks guys for your friendship and fun!!
Here we all are from L to R: Kezia, Heidi, Ivey, Nate, Me, Neelah, Eric and Finn with Maile on the floor.


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