Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Finn's Bod

Finn is learning all about his body and the parts he has. Although his most favorite would definately be the part only seen when he is getting his diaper changed or having a bath, we have taught him the other one's as well. Eric says that boys will be boys and that I shouldn't worry about how much Finn grabs "himself". Eric teases Finn that he is "scared of the Weenie-Snacher" (whoever that is) and is trying to protect himself. Whatever. It must definately be a boy thing! Here you can see that Finn knows his ears, tongue, neck, tummy and arms. When my mom was here she showed him "chineese eyes" and he spent 5 minuets trying to get his eyes to squint like hers.

My mom bought Finn these Jammers when she was here (along with the entire toy dept of Wal-Mart). They are 4T and just a little on the big side! Can we say Jeanie pants? But they are so cute nevertheless and if you check out the Rossi Family's blog (linked on the right) you will find out that their son Camden wishes he had more short sleeved jammers so that his arms could "have air". Finn has all the short sleeved jammers he needs...unfortunately since it has been FREEZING here we wish for more long sleeved ones. If you haven't heard about Hawaii lately, we have been getting TONS of rain!! I have complained about it for a few weeks now on this blog but it is so true! We have had so much moisture and flooding that 11 (count that again folks...11!) sewage pipes around the island of Oahu have burst or overflowed. What does that mean you ask? Just that we have sewage running off our totally saturated soil and into the ocean. Many beaches still remain closed due to raw sewage floating around. SICKENING! At least that hasn't happened anywhere near where we live...My nose wouldn't handle it!


Anonymous said...

Love the jammers and the weenie-loving child. It's definitely a guy thing and they never seem to grow out of it. He is so cute!!

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