Here is the first photo of our newest edition to our family! We are so happy to say that the baby is growing well and perfect. It is measuring correctly and had a whopping 157 heart rate (totally normal). We just wonder if it is a boy or a girl. Eric wants a girl but I am not sure what I want...Thanks for all your support everyone!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Our beanie baby!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Watson family cookout.
Here are some pics from last Wednesday's cookout. We all headed up to Millcreek Canyon and made a fire and ate dutch oven chicken and peach cobbler. Here you can see Ty starting the Fire, everyone playing cards, Mom and Janae etc. The kids had a blast and we ended the night with Smores. I loved being back in Utah and being able to set up camp in 20 minuets!! The smoky smell we had the next day made me sick but at the time it was HEAVEN!! I am so looking forward to more evenings like this one!
Finn's daily activities...
Okay, so the website is being a little wierd...I don'tknow if this is going to work. I will try to post this anyway. So, I THINK that these are some pics of Finn and his freind Camden, the grandkids playing the piano and the infamous spaghetti fiasco. I hope this works but since I can only see "X's" where the pics are supposed to be, who knows.
Forever and a Day!!
We are finally in Utah!! I am so sorry that we haven't been able to update the blog in more than a month...soon we will have the internet available to our laptop and then it will be a breeze again. So much has happened that I can't begin to start the whole story...I will post a ton of pics and try to give them some explanation. These are some great shots of our family!
The most exciting news is that Eric got offered a job at a company called GoEngineer. He feels pretty good about it and it is a salary position which I feel pretty good about. The best part of the whole job is the insurance since I need it for this kidney-bean sized baby in my tummy....You read me right, I am pregnant! It was totally unplanned but we are thrilled! I am due in April. Its a little early to be announcing it but I have been so barfy that we can't really hide it. I have an ultrasound on Friday to make sure that everything is going okay with this pregnancy. Very exciting!
Here are some pics of Finn, Mom and my sisters kids, Felicity and Reagan. The kids had so much fun dumping water on Mom. She was such a good sport! I wasn't going to get wet!